A place to share the crazies!

Mrs. Ipock

Monday, June 18, 2007

Terrible Two's

I'm just not sure what it is about the age of two, but God truly was showing that he had a sense of humor when he decided that all two year-olds should act the way they do. I have felt that I was being tested many different times in my life: college, the first year of marriage, Zoey's life. But I really think that Kenzi is the most challenging test of my life! She is more adorable than I could have ever prayed my daughter would be, and way smarter than I think she should be, but more so than any of those things, she has more attitude than fifteen twelve year-old girls put together! She already knows how to roll her eyes, cry on cue, say 'no', squeal like a pig, throw herself in the floor, glare, and tell you off! But she also sings the cutest darned songs! Like she doesn't know the difference between the ABC Song, Jingle Bells, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. So you'll hear her walking around the house singing, "Now I know my ABC's jingle all the way how I wonder what you are!" Most people would think it was just really corny, but of course the one who carried her for nine months thinks it's absolutely precious! She actually got along with her brother all night long tonight (knock on wood, they aren't quite in bed yet)! They played with their hoppy balls, chasing each other around the house on them. But by the time she had eaten all of her dinner tonight she was tired of being nice. She spilled a cup of red kool-aid on our carpet, got in trouble by Daddy, and then cried the whole way to get Cold Stone! And when you tried to cheer her up by saying, "Little girls who act nice might get some ice cream," she would just scream, "NNNNOOO!!" Oh man.... If I make it sanely through the next eight months until the big THREE, then I can handle anything!


Casey Dawn said...

You're right...she is pretty darn cute! Hang in there with the Terrible Twos...and enjoy them. Because when she is a teenager and going through the I-Do-What-I-Want Fifteens, you might just wish you could trade it all back for just one more day of the Twos.

Casey Dawn said...

About peeing in bodies of water...I'm sure you're NOT supposed to mention it and I probably never would have except that I figure, how often do you get to pee in one of the biggest bodies of water in the WORLD?? To me...well, that's something to blog about!!